
Articles Written by Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios














Paulos Mar Gregorios Bibliography

A1. Bible Studies

  1. Students in the Asian Revolution
  2. The Church in the world
  3. Renewal in the Church
  4. Righteousness by faith
  5. A New Heaven and a New Earth
  6. Works and the affirmation of faith
  7. What do I live for?
  8. The whole Creations in Development
  9. Leitourgia as Service of God and Service to Man
  10. Who is my Neighbour ?
  11. Romans (Chapter 8)
  12. Holiness and Dejielment
  13. The Church in the world
  14. The Logos became flesh
  15. Diakonia: Building and Tending the Temple of God
  16. The Diakonia of the suffering servant – The Royal Priesthood
  17. The Demand for Justice
  18. Overcoming the Death
  19. Christian Evangelist
  20. Our faith
  21. Ephatha
  22. St. Mathew

A2. Assorted Bible Studies

  1. Total Bible Study Plan
  2. A Demand for Justice
  3. Six Bible Studies
  4. Key to Greatness
  5. Ephesians
  6. The promise of Newness
  7. The way of Life (Romans)
  8. Second Corinthian 5:17-21
  9. The function of the Church
  10. God Demands Justice from Man
  11. The Icons of the Unseen God (Colosia 1:9-24)
  12. To the fat sheep (Ezekiel 34:17-24)
  13. Galatians
  14. On acts of Love (1 John 3:1)
  15. Be full of Joy (Philiphian 4:4-5)
  16. The Bread of Life
  17. Baptized for Suffering and Sacrifice (1st Peter)

A3. Sermons

  1. Happy New Year (Romans 8:18-28)
  2. Conversion (Mathew 4:17)
  3. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  4. Life the shroud by Gloom (Isaiah 25:1-9)
  5. Ephathdha
  6. Good news to Modern Man (Mathew 11:16-20
  7. Brekup your fellow ground (Hosaih 10:12
  8. Cultivation of the Christian World
  9. Why pray for the Dead
  10. His Biatitude Justinian (A Welcome Speech)

A4. Old Testament and Judaism

  1. Review of Jeremiah in the again of Jerobiam
  2. The Siege and fall of the Jerusalem
  3. The commentary Tradition in Classical Judaism
  4. On Prophecy and Technology

Bl. Theology of Development

  1. Development in India
  2. Ecumenical Bishops Consultation on Kerala Churches in Development Actions
  3. The Inseparability of Disarmament and Development
  4. Development Padadigm? Some Conceptual Clarifications
  5. Development in India
  6. Development another Development and Ante-Development
  7. Development Discipline and Democracy
  8. Develop – But don’t Grow
  9. What is Development? (A discussion started)
  10. Ideology of Development. A Concerted Campaign of Misformation
  11. Theology of Development: Can it lead us astry?
  12. The Ideology of Development
  13. Development in the Third World
  14. Arms Race and Development
  15. Christian Involvement in Development
  16. Ecumenical forum on prayer priorities
  17. Development Action in Kerala

B2. Christology

  1. The Relevance of Christology Today
  2. Christology of the Eastern Fathers
  3. Christology of Philexinos Maboog
  4. Christology of the non chalcedonian Churches
  5. Christological Consensus Reached in Vienna
  6. Who do you say that I am: Element for an Ecumenical Christology Today
  7. The finality of Jesus Christ in the age of Universal History
  8. Cosmic Christ and Cosmic Salvation
  9. Nature, Humanity and God: Three Realities or one?
  10. Nature of Christological formula
  11. Christ is Risen, So what?

B3. Anthropology

  1. Soul and Body in Plotinus and Proclus
  2. Nature Destiny of Man-According to the Orthodox Tradition
  3. Who is Man? And who am I?
  4. Biblical Christian Vision of Man
  5. A Christian estimate of Man
  6. Historical Human beings as Body’s Soul Composites their Relation to the one and to the world in
    Plotinus and Proclus some questions
  7. Who indeed is a Human being
  8. Biblical Use of Man

B4. Christian Apologetics

  1. Why pray for the dead?
  2. What is the Church of Jesus Christ. What for?
  3. What does it mean to be a Christian?
  4. Why is not everyone a Christian?
  5. Is Christianity a Western Religion?
  6. Ethical Reflections on Human Gene Therapy
  7. Revelation-Scripture and Tradition As Authority

B5. Hermeneutics

  1. Hermeneutics in India Today
  2. The Hermeneutical Discussion in India Today
  3. Hermeneutics in Indian Context
  4. Issues in Hermeneutical Discussion in the West
  5. The Hermeneutical Discussion in the West
  6. Hermeneutics in India Today. Some Issues
  7. General Hermeneutics in India Today
  8. Problems of Hermeneutics in India Today
  9. The self-understanding of Science: Its Implications or Hermeneutics and Theology

B6. Theology

  1. God, Humanity and World
  2. Some New Testament foundations for a respectful approach to the created order
  3. This world and the other
  4. The Ground of Hope
  5. Salvation: The Meaning of a Biblical word
  6. Mystery of Cosmic Redemption
  7. God Man World – The fundamental Relationship
  8. God Man and the Cosmos
  9. God and Man
  10. God’s Activity in the Church and the world
  11. God and Humanity: The Search and Reach of Love
  12. The World and the Other
  13. God and the Creations
  14. Salvation as Theosis
  15. Creation
  16. Is the Creation Sacred
  17. Go Man World Relationship
  18. Christ, World and the Church
  19. Are God and Man One or Two

B7. Theology

  1. The Dialectic between Theology and the work of peace.
  2. Knowledge without zeal
  3. Screw tape is on to Theology
  4. Crisis in Theology
  5. The truth that frees
  6. Vital and coherent Theology
  7. The Garment of Choices
  8. Faith, Righteousness and Justification by faith
  9. The Dialectics of Theology and peace activity
  10. On Holiness and Wholeness
  11. On Wholeness and the end event
  12. Interpretation of the Theology of Liberation
  13. Can Reason be healed and restored
  14. Justification by faith
  15. This Kueng Affair
  16. The Ten proposition of Hans Kung
  17. Thy Kingdom come
  18. Vladimir Lossky, Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church
  19. Solidarity, struggle and justice
  20. Nature
  21. Jesus Christ frees and unites

Cl. International Affairs

  1. Quba Pioneer and Leader: Impression from two visits
  2. Indo-Quban friendship Association
  3. Reflections on Bucharest
  4. Recent Development in Central and Eastern Europe (An outside perspective)
  5. Sanction and South Africa: Will the West Act USA Holds the Key
  6. Hands of Vietnam – Vietnam is our leader
  7. Seven Principles for a new International Moral Order
  8. A Brief Introduction to Nicarogua: Geography, Population, History and Politics
  9. Poland: Simmering Cauldron. A Tourist View
  10. El Salvador: Another Vietnam?
  11. Can the third world be the Salvation of the west? (On clearing the doors of perception)
  12. Beyond Co-Existence
  13. Nonalignment Movement Fights Oppression and Exploitation
  14. What is Happening in Eastern Europe?
  15. The Emerging World Order and the Power of Powerless (Some Reflections)
  16. Assessment of the conference and consideration future steps.
  17. The Three approaches to peace and role of the non-alignment movement
  18. Back to Square one
  19. Christian Responsibility in Africa
  20. Profile of tomorrows Christian
  21. Non-alignment. Is it ante-American?

C2. Sociology

  1. Redefining the Good Society
  2. Population problems of the Indian sub-continent: A study in present Trends
  3. The Role of the Individual in modern social-political structures
  4. Can we Psycho analyze our societies and our religions
  5. On putting your body in line
  6. Alternative world models – some perspectives about social reconstruction
  7. The Roots of communal conflict in India Towards a new Integral vision.
  8. Authentic secular society or pluralistic Human society

C3. Global Issues

  1. Take a look at our world
  2. Global humanism and the Class struggle
  3. Pursuit of Truth: Anticipating the future
  4. Looking ahead without taking your eyes off your toes
  5. Turning to the future: A quick look at our globe
  6. Solar energy in India Today
  7. Global humanity between two poles
  8. Global military expenditure: An affront to Humanity
  9. Emerging consciousness for a new Human kind
  10. The emerging new world order and the power of the powerless
  11. These days of mortal peril
  12. The peril that unites the nuclear winter and space war threats as a demand for Global Human Unity
  13. How is tomorrow’s world to be shaped
  14. Science Technology and the future of Humanity

C4. Communalism

  1. Communal harmony and a positive role for religion
  2. National Integration and communal harmony: Some thoughts for pondering
  3. What next in our land: India
  4. Communal Harmony: Some tentative findings
  5. Is communalism our real problem
  6. Nehru and Religion: Communalism in a secular state
  7. Why communal conflicts?

C5. Socialism

  1. Will Socialism Survive?
  2. Social creativity and the state
  3. Meeting of Socialism and Religions
  4. Changing Contours of Socialism
  5. Future of Socialism – Some notes
  6. Secularization as a Christian concept.

D1. Russia

  1. The foundation of the Russian people and the Baptism of Russia
  2. Gorbachevism Under fire
  3. Crisis in the Soviet Union
  4. A word of Greeting and few Reflections on the Baptism of Russia
  5. The flame of Faith is not putout
  6. Perestroika-Glastnoste – A closer look
  7. Their status and conflicts of Religious Roots in the USSR
  8. Millennium of the Baptism of Kevin Russian Bolshir Theature, Moscow 1988

D2. Economics

  1. Some Major Economics Issues Today
  2. Are you Bourgeois?
  3. Justice among Nations: The struggle for a Just International Economic Order
  4. Towards a Theological frame work for Christian: Reflection on International Economic Justice
  5. Positioning ourselves and Choosing Horizons
  6. Consumers and Producers Confronting the Growning Dualism
  7. The T.N.C.’s and You
  8. Transnational corporation: Health and Nurishment
  9. The New International Economic Order (A Brief Evaluation)
  10. Does the International Economic Order: bring new Hope?
  11. New angels or Old Rascals? What Are Trans-National Corporations? (പുത്തന്‍ മാലാഖമാരോ പഴയ പോക്കിരികളോ?)
  12. Problems of Peace and Disarmament?

D3. Politics

  1. Red Government and Green Revolution in India
  2. The Communist Manifesto: Karl Max and Federal Angels
  3. The National Emergency In India
  4. On Capitalism and Socialism
  5. Crisis in Capitalism and Socialism on will
  6. Should a Third front begin now? (Reflections as Some aspects of the Question)
  7. Towards a philosophy of Political Economy: Some Preliminary Exploration
  8. The Peretroika Debate in India (Some Comments from a friend of the left)
  9. Fascism the perennial Temptation
  10. OINAM and Operation Blue print
  11. Minorities in a Secular Democracy: Random Reflection of one who Hesitates
  12. Human Rights: A Perspectives from Outside Western Civilization
  13. Notes of a Tame Revolutionalism
  14. Peristroika in China: Compromise with Capitalism?
  15. Global Humanism and a class struggle: Reflections an ongoing Debate
  16. Non Alignment: Is it Anti-American?

D4. Law

  1. Law in a Revolutionary Age
  2. Reflections on the Mystery of Law
  3. Law as an instrument of social change.
  4. Law in a Revolutionary Age. The concept of Natural Law
  5. Role of Law as an Instrument of Love of Justice
  6. Some philosophical, theological comment on the role of Law in society
  7. Indian Succession laws

D5. China

  1. China, the Church and Culture Revolution
  2. China and India
  3. Perestroika in China: Compromise with Capitalism
  4. Tiananmen Tragedy: Some Second Thoughts

D6. Marxism

  1. Marxism and the new left
  2. Habermas and the legitimation Crisis
  3. Tito’s Yugoslavia: New heaven of a dissident Marxism
  4. Two Twentieth century deviations in Marxist Thought: Lucas and Habermas

E1. Prayer

  1. What is Prayer? Why Pray? How pray?
  2. Meditation as the Spirit of Freedom
  3. Significance of Prayer
  4. Common Prayer for everybody
  5. Introduction to Morning and Evening Prayer
  6. A Prayer for Peace
  7. Prayer
  8. A Brief Prayer for Bed-time
  9. Another Prayer – Why? How? For what
  10. Opening Prayer
  11. A Service of Prayer and thanks giving for the Republic day of India
  12. Service of Intercession
  13. A Litany for Peace

E2. Spirituality

  1. Some Perspectives on Christian Spirituality
  2. Spiritual and the Secular
  3. Love as the Good (Renewal in Orthodox Spirituality)
  4. Each Child has an Angel
  5. Veni, Creator Spirits
  6. Seeking Community
  7. Spirituality and Discipline
  8. Some Reflections on the Main Theme proposed for the fourth Assembly
  9. I believe in the Holy Spirit
  10. The Holy Trinity and the Holy Spirit
  11. Mastery and Mystery
  12. Orthodox Spirituality
  13. Spirituality of life
  14. Seminar Group on Eastern Theology and Spirituality
  15. Nature, Origin and function of Evil: Random Reflections on an age old problem
  16. If there were no evil in this world: Random Reflection on Dubius Reality of Evil

E3. Monasticism

  1. The Monk and Modern Man
  2. The Role of Monasticism and a new askesis for our time
  3. The Monastic Tradition
  4. Orthodox Monasteries in Russia
  5. Monasticism and the Life of the Church Today

E4. Mysticism

  1. Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church
  2. Mysticism East and West
  3. Mar Baselius of Ceasaria
  4. Are all Christian Mystics?

E5. Psychology

  1. Beliefs and practices – Positive Contribution to mental health
  2. How do we psycho analyze our societies and our religions?

F1. Liberation

  1. Liberation and development – A Christian Answer
  2. Liberation of Humanity
  3. Liberation at the well
  4. The Liberation of Men
  5. Liberation Theology and Vatican Instruction
  6. Thought on Liberation
  7. An Interpretation of the theology of Liberation
  8. The Original Black Liberation Movement
  9. To Proclaim Liberation
  10. Thoughts on Liberation of James Reeb and Herbert Marcuse
  11. The fight against Racism

F2. Ethics

  1. Medical Termination of Pregnancy
  2. The essence of Christianity Dr. Hugh T. Kerr, 1953
  3. How shall we sing the song of the Lord when the poor perish
  4. The new morality and the new righteousness
  5. Christian involvement in society
  6. Ethical issues raised by Eugenics: An Orthodox and Asian Perspective
  7. Christian Ethics
  8. The Problem of Ends and Means as a problem of Christian Ethics
  9. Cultivation of Christian life
  10. Four steps to Christian maturity (Colossians 1:9-12)
  11. Triumphant faith
  12. This things called love

F3. Youth

  1. A Centenary Address
  2. Indian Youth and YMCA
  3. The YMCA and the future of our nature
  4. Reflections on YMCA membership: Identity, Openness and Community
  5. Orthodox Youth Outside Kerala
  6. Down the steep slope
  7. A Sociological analysis of the group of foreign students at Goshen College 1950-51
  8. The generation Tension

G1. Education in General

  1. The Training of an Elite in India
  2. Education for the future
  3. The Crisis in Education Toady
  4. Some Educational Issues – with Special Reference to Kerala
  5. The Impact of Western Educational styles in India’s Struggle for Development and Justice: Some Reflections
  6. “Education for Life” (Some Reflections on the task of Educators in Africa). All Africa Churches Conference: Conference on Christian Education In Changing Africa.
  7. Students Unrest Education
  8. The Language Issues
  9. National Service Scheme
  10. Education and the Counter-Culture
  11. Some Educational Issues with Special Reference to Kerala
  12. On Education
  13. An Address on Higher Education in India (Debate)
  14. Education and Religion
  15. Higher Education Today
  16. Again Pioneers? Issues Facing the NBCHEI and Private Colleges Today
  17. Education and the Nature of Man: Some Related Biblical Concepts
  18. “National Higher Education” Keynote Address.
  19. On Higher Education: Keynote Address for Principal’s Conference.
  20. Role of Students in College Administration
  21. The University Revolt: Can Students Carry the Revolution?
  22. Christian Education in Orthodox Perspective: Philosophy and Learning Theory
  23. The Church and General Education
  24. Higher Education at the Cross Roads: Wither the Christian Colleges?

G2. Education in India

  1. The Kerala University Bill, 1967 (An Amendment by the Select Committee)
  2. The Training of an Elite in India
  3. Some Comments on Revamping the Educational System
  4. First Draft for a policy statement on Education in Kerala
  5. Education for a new Civilization in the New Millennium
  6. Can Our Universities be Reformed?
  7. Education
  8. A policy statement on Education in Kerala
  9. Who is Educated Man? (A Question for Educators)
  10. Towards some clear and achievable goals for a national Educational Programme for India.
  11. Challenges to meet
  12. Education: Policy and Implementation
  13. Education for life (Some Reflections on the task of Educators in Africa)
  14. Again Pioneers?
  15. News from Colleges (A Teacher’s Seminar at St. Theresa, Ernakulam)
  16. Preparing for the New Millennium
  17. Keynote Address for Principal’s Conference
  18. National Board of Christian Higher Education: Principals Conference at Ernakulam
  19. The Language Issue
  20. Princeton Meeting

G3. Theological Education

  1. Truth Beyond words (Serampore Convocation Address 1992)
  2. Priorities for Christian Higher Education in India
  3. Project for Lay training Centre Programme
  4. Tradition and Renewal in Orthodox Education
  5. Contemporary Orthodox Approach to Christian Nurture
  6. Crisis in Theological Education: The need for new perspective
  7. Another research Centre in Kerala
  8. Training for the Ministry: Three related problems
  9. Higher Education at Cross Roads
  10. The Church and General Education
  11. Christian Education in Orthodox perspective
  12. Education and the Nature of Man
  13. Education and Religion
  14. Churches and National Unity
  15. Again Pioneers?
  16. Who is the educated Man?
  17. Education for a New Civilization in the New Millennium

H1. Asian Studies

  1. Asian Religion and New Thinking
  2. Christian Love and Asian Religion
  3. Jesus Christ sets free to serve
  4. Asian Identity and Asian Cultures
  5. International Institute for Southern Asia Pacific Studies

H2. Kerala

  1. Kerala Tidal Wave. A Preliminary Report
  2. Kerala and her people
  3. Kerala and her problem

H3. Civilization

  1. The Coming great Civilization Shifts on preparing to Lay foundations for a New Civilization
  2. The Impact of Neo-platonism on western civilization: Can philosophy help create a new civilization?
  3. The Nile and Indus
  4. Heritage and Technology: In Harmony or in conflict
  5. The Coming Great Civilization Shift

H4. Renaissance

  1. Towards an Indian Renaissance
  2. Gorbachevism Under fire
  3. Philosophical and Normative Dimensions and aspects of the Idea of Renaissance
  4. Unfinished Renaissance in India

H5. Indology

  1. India: Land of Dying Millions
  2. The Indian Situation: A Post election evaluation
  3. India: Between Elections
  4. Secular with a difference, can one be secular in an Indian way
  5. The Indo-Pakisthan Dispute
  6. The issues behind the Indo-Pakisthan War
  7. Whither our Nation
  8. Towards an Indian Renaissance
  9. The Roots of Communal Conflict in India Towards a new integral vision
  10. Identity and Relations
  11. Industrial Relations in India
  12. Greece and India Renewing Cultural Contacts
  13. Emergency in India
  14. The need for a National Effort
  15. Unhappy Christmas
  16. Indian Postscript

H6. History

  1. Has History ended? Reflections on what is going on in the world
  2. The mystery of History
  3. Long live history
  4. Hind and Hellas
  5. The Catalyzing Decision
  6. The Monothelite Controversy
  7. Nestorians
  8. The Nile and the Indus

I1. Episcopacy

  1. Historical Origins of the Supremacy of Some Episcopals Sees of Others
  2. The Primacy in Modern Episcopacy
  3. The Patriarchate in the Christian Church (History of the Early Development)
  4. Roman Primacy as a Historical development
  5. The place of the Bishop of Rome in the Catholic Church
  6. The Development of a pre-Eminent of some churches over other and the Reason for this.

I2. Roman Catholic Church

  1. Vatican II: Games, Hopes and Hurdles
  2. The Roman Catholic Church and the Identity of the world council of churches
  3. Vatican Council: Report from Rome
  4. Luman Gentium – The Vatican Council Dogmatic Contribution on the Church


  1. Diastima and Diastasis in Gregory of Nyssa
  2. Origens’ use of the scriptures
  3. The Treatise of Dionysius Bar-Salibi on differences with Chalcedonian
  4. On the Use of the term Dogma and Kerugma In St. Basils Treatise on the Holy Spirit
  5. Gregory Nazianzen’s Theological Method
  6. Orthodox Theology and Pagan Culture (A Tribute to St. Basil)
  7. St. Basil’s use of the Dogma and Kerugma
  8. The Relation of the Eunomian System, Plotinus, Porphyry and Lambiclus
  9. Iraeneus of Lyons
  10. Why Gregory of Nyssa?
  11. Christian Tradition and Pagan thought. An Epistemological introduction
  12. Gregory of Nyssa: An Introductory Lecture

J1. Church and Society

  1. Christian Social Service
  2. Hunger, Poverty and Arm Race: Moderators opening Remarks
  3. Involving the Church in Development
  4. What can the Church do in Development action In Kerala
  5. International Justice: Justice according to Christ
  6. Roots of Injustice: Some Critical Comments on Ideologies Concerning Development, world Hunger and Mass Poverty
  7. The Calling of the Churches to fresh service. Can one serve and not love?
  8. Evaluation of some issues arising
  9. Re-Orientations: Reflections on the Socialist witness of the Church in a post cold war post gulf war         world
  10. Political power and the power of the cross
  11. Christianity as Help or Interest to social change
  12. Political power and the power of the cross
  13. Spiritual foundations of Christian Service
  14. Christians and the State
  15. The Social Thinking of the Orthodox: Servant of Man or Salt of the Earth
  16. The Theological Issues for Church and Society Reflections.
  17. Church and Society from Geneva 1966 to Upsala 1968
  18. Church and Economic Development
  19. Message of Concern Bank Reputsy
  20. 550 Million People: their aspiration and frustations
  21. On putting your Body in line
  22. Justice Participation and the Gospel
  23. Church and Structural Poverty
  24. Christian action in the Asia struggle
  25. Church and Self-Reliance

J2. Mission

  1. Christian Responsibility in Africa
  2. The Mission of the Church in our time
  3. Witness of the Churches; Ecumenical Statements on mission and Evangelism
  4. The Nature of the Laymans Commission
  5. Two by Two-Visitation Evangelism Re-discovery of a classic method
  6. Dialogue and Mission
  7. Missions: Orthodox
  8. Confessing the faith in Asia
  9. Is Development the new name for mission?
  10. On the One Hand… (Two View of Visitation Evangelism)
  11. Personal Evangelism
  12. Historical Factors and Biblical, Molifts in the Churches Mission
  13. Membership in the Body of Christ as the Basis of Mission
  14. Christian Mission and Dialogue with Religions
  15. The Mission of the Church in South Asia
  16. A Message to the Church about Evangelization

K1. Modern Western Philosophy

  1. Some Suring’s and Arrows in Western Philosophy
  2. Some Philosophical Trends in the West
  3. Philosophical Trends in the West
  4. A Pseudo-Secular Ideology Which Claims to be Christian. Response to the paper of Prof. Miguez-Zinono

  5. Muddled Metaphors: An Asian Response to Garret Harden
  6. I Can’t See any lifeboats around
  7. Modernity and Rationality

K2. Knowledge and Meaning

  1. Knowing as a striving towards Unity
  2. The Meaning of Meaning
  3. Perception: Some Western Trends
  4. On cleaning the doors of perception
  5. Beyond Apolo and Dionysius
  6. Much Knowledge, little Joy

K3. Indian Philosophy

  1. Sabdha-Sakti and Word/ Spirit – A Surface analysis of two concepts Systems
  2. The Symphonic Twain: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda
  3. Indian Philosophy in Relation to Socio-Economic and Cultural miliou?
  4. Radhakrishnan: Bridge Builder or Structural Engineer
  5. Three Bright Stars: Nagarjuna, Diagnaga, Dharma Keerthi
  6. Notes on five cosmologies
  7. The Task of Indian Philosophy Today
  8. Indian Philosophy An Apprasal
  9. Does Geography condition philosophy?

K4. Platonism
1 Neo-Platonism and the Eunomius Gregory Debate
2. Neo Platonism
3. Neo Platonism and Indian Thought: A Fresh look at an Old Debate
4. The Impact of Neo Platonism on Western Civilization
5. The Catalyst in Neoplatonism and Christian Mysticism

K5. Life and Meaning

  1. The Meaning of life: An Eastern Orthodox Perspective
  2. Style of life and quality of life
  3. Non-life, life and consciousness form one single living reality
  4. Jesus Christ: The life of the world
  5. Genetic Technology: Risk to humanity
  6. Life, Consciousness and Healing
  7. Life-from the perspective of Science and the Christian faith
  8. In Him was life: Biblical theological meditations
  9. Fullness of life for all
  10. Stop darkness at noon – save life
  11. The life-environment some basic issues
  12. Jesus Christ: the life
  13. On the quality of life debate two sides
  14. The meaning of life: The meaning of history some methodological issues
  15. The purpose of life
  16. The nature of the good and quality of life
  17. New life in the church
  18. Quality of life: some crytic comments
  19. The quality of life: questions old and new

L. Peace
1. Towards a Christian philosophy of Peace
2. May God bring Peace among us
3. Problem in a Christian philosophical approach to peace in eastern orthodox view
4. Peace on Earth
5. Life and peace: Some moral and Ethical affirmations about peace today
6. Crisis past. An Introduction of the Christian Peace conference
7. Spiritual dimensions of peace
8. The dialectics of theology and peace activity
9. Clouds of war and cost of peace
10. Report of the Christian peace conference
11. Beyond disarmament. A third world perspective on the work for peace with justice
12. International association for peace through culture
13. Justice and Peace in the Integral relation. HTML File
14. The Churches on Peace – recent Developments
15. Justice and Peace in the Light of world Economic structures
16. Towards a christian philosophy of peace: Some Reflections
17. A Justice and the Peace Movement for the Future.
18. Justice and Peace the Integraty of Creation.


  1. Ecumenical Development Thought Today
  2. Collaboration between RCC and WCC
  3. Eucharistic Hospitality
  4. Does Jesus Christ Free and Unite?
  5. Lumen Gentium: An Orthodox Critique of the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
  6. An Eastern View of Ecumenism
  7. Vatican II: Gains, Hopes and Hurdles
  8. The Nature of the Unity We Seek. Unity for Worship and Unity for Service

N. Tributes
1. On Mahatma Gandhi
2. St. Francis of Assisi
3. In Memoriam: Dr. Visser’t Hooft
4. The Passing of a Patriarch: A Tribute to Athanagoros
5. K. M. Cherian: A Tribute
6. Tribute to a Great Soul
7. Orthodox Theology and Pagan Culture: A Tribute to St. Basil
8. Carey, Marshman and Ward: A Memorial Tribute
9. S. Radhakrishnan: A Centenary Tribute
10. The Life of Alexander Duff
11. M. M. Thomas: A Tribute on his 70 th Birthday
12. A Critical Tribute to a Controversial Martyr
13. Luther: Giant of A Man
14. A Tribute to My Elder Brother (Dr. Philipose Mar Theophilos)

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