- My Own Vision of the Ultimate
- The Unity of the Grand Continuum
- Does Geography Condition Philosophy?
- Communist Manifesto
- Modern, Post Modern and the Future of Humanity
- Towards A Philosophy of Political Economy
- Human Rights: A Perspective from Outside Western Civilization
- Emerging Consciousness for a New Humankind
- Ten streams of social awareness which has shaped me as a person
- A Sacramental Humanism. How My Mind has Changed (The Christian Century, Sept. 23, pp. 1116-1120)
- Nonalignment: Is It Anti American?
- Has History Ended?
- What are Transnational Corporations?
- Stop Darkness at Noon – Save Life
- Crisis in Capitalism
- Global Humanism and the Class Struggle
- Asian Identity and Asian Cultures
- Indo-Pakistan Dispute
- Sum and Substance
Science and Technology
- The Role of Science in Society
- Ethical Reflections On Human Gene Therapy
- Report on the Conference on Faith, Science and the Future
- Science, Technology and the Future of Humanity
- Whom are We Training? Monks, Rabbis, Pastors or Preachers?
- Education for a New Civilization in the New Millennium
- The Impact of Western Educational Styles on India’s Struggles for Development and Justice
Indian Identity
- Sacred Roots of Secularism
- Who are we in bharatavarsha today?
- The National Emergency
- India: The Land of Dying Millions
- Towards an Indian Renaissance
- Emergency in India
- The Roots of Communal Conflicts in India
- Secular with a difference
- Minorities in a secular democracy
- Should a third front begin?
- Indian identity
Religion and the Creation of World Peace
- Speech at Third Assembly of the World’s Religions, 1992.
Health Care
Orthodox Churches
- Orthodox Churches: Chalcedonian and Non Chalcedonian
- Introducing the Eastern Churches
- How Different is The Eastern Orthodox Church?
- What do the Orthodox Believe
- The Malankara Orthodox Church A: Historical Perspective
- Ecclesiastical Authority –Options and Patterns in the Indian Orthodox Church
- St. Thomas and Us
- The Throne of St. Thomas
Christian Faith, liturgy, and Life
- What is Prayer? Why Pray? How Pray?
- Why Pray for the Dead? Why ask the Departed Saints to Pray for us?
- Love of Good
- East Syrian Worship
- West Syrian Worship
- Eucharist, the Act of Love
- Worship in a Secular Age
- Thoughts on Priesthood
- Theology of Nature: an Introduction
- Righteousness and the Coming Kingdom
- The Ministry of the Church
- Liberalism and Fundamentalism in Islam and Christianity
- New Testament Foundations for Understanding the Creation
- An Eastern Orthodox Perspective of Nature, Man and God
- Cosmic Christ and Cosmic Salvation
- The Relevance of Christology Today
- The Nature of Christology
- The Christology of Philexinos of Mabug
- On God’s Death
- Gospel and Culture
- Religion is the Matrix of Culture
- Eucharistic Hospitality
- Does Jesus Christ Free and Unite?
- Lumen Gentium: An Orthodox Critique of the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
- An Eastern View of Ecumenism
- Vatican II: Gains, Hopes and Hurdles
- The Nature of the Unity We Seek. Unity for Worship and Unity for Service
Bible Study
- Our Presence in the world: The Royal Priesthood of Christ
- Righteousness and the Coming Kingdom
- To Serve and not to be Served
- Each Child Has An Angel
- On Mahatma Gandhi
- The Nature of the Church. Parables of the Kingdom
Editorials in The Star of The East
- Prospects for peace
- The Statue and its shadow
- What is wrong with our culture
- Musings on the Nature of Reality
- The Jarring Note
- The Unhappy Christmas
- What happened to the WCC?
- WCC – The Dream of the New General Secretary
- The New Prime Minister’s Dream of the Nation
- Communal Violence in Kerala
Reports & Drafts
- World Congress of Spiritual Concord: Brief Background Information
- The Rishikesh Appeal to all Nations and Peoples of the World
- International Seminar on Neoplatonism and Indian Thought
- A Reverse in the Trend of Secularization: Are We Ready? (1979 Dudleian Lecture)
- Take A Look at Our World
Articles in Other Languages