Challenges To Meet / Fr. Paul Varghese (Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios)


More education-different education. The two demands coming together, can throw any government off its balance. No country is able to meet the demand. Our educational system is declared by all to be notoriously bad. But everybody seems to want more of it for more and more people. Ivan Ilyich of Cuernavaca, Mexico, has been writing in all educational journals about the “de-schooling of education.” He says, education, as the Church has already been in most countries, should be both disestablished and de-institutionalized. There is no more reason why Government should have a monopoly in education than for the Church to have Government support. But Ilyich makes a more infuriating demand, namely, that schools are a curse, that they shut the child out from the world of reality, that they create ?unkeys of our present system unable to innovate and helpless outside the system. Is he right? What is the alternative?

If Christian education is alive, it must meet some of these challenges.

Published in Christian Education