Index of The Star of the East


Index of The Star of the East (PDF File)

Index of The Star of the East

An Ecumenical Journal dealing specially with the Oriental & Eastern Orthodox Churches

1939 –
(Edited by Fr. Dr. C. T. Eapen)

(Edited by Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios)

Vol. II, No. 1, October 1940

A Prayer for the Church 1
Editorial : The Only Hope of the World 2
Quo Vadis Ecclesia
Vassily James 6
Nilus of the North
Ann Anchor 12
The Transfigured Life
Rev. G. Y. Martyn 16
Here and there in Christendom 18
Varia 23
Book Reviews 24
Correspondence – The Assyrian Church 27
From the Church’s Treasury Cover Page 3
In Memoriam Cover Page 3

Vol. XXIII, No. 1 & 2, July 1962

Editorial : The New Delhi Assembly of WCC 1
The New Delhi Assembly in Retrospect
Fr. Dr. C. T. Eapen 5
Christianity in Kurdisthan
President Silvis Uan Rooy 10
The Responsibilities and Possibilities of the Syrian Orthodox
Church in India
Fr. Dr. V. C. Samuel 14
Prime Minister Nehru’s Speech at the World Assembly 21
Unity of the Church
Rev. Michael Ramsey 23
The Impressions of New Delhi Assembly 24
The Voice of Christendom 26
The Rt. Rev. Bishop Lakdas a de Mel elected
as the Metropolitan of India 27
Here and there in Christendom 27
News and Notes of the Malankara Syrian Church 29
In Memoriam 30

Vol. XXIV, No. 1 & 2, August 1963

Editorial : The Raison D’etre of this Special Number 1
The Second Vatican Council
Fr. Dr. C. T. Eapen 9
The Opening Address
H. H. Pope John XXIII 15
Welcome to Vatican Observers and Guests
H. E. Cardinal Bea 25
Address Given at the Audience to the Observers
H. H. Pope John XXIII 27
Reply to Welcome
Prof. Schlink of the Heidelberg 29
The Concluding Address
H. H. Pope John XXIII 31
The World Council News 37
Here and There in Christendom 39
News and Notes of the Malankara Syrian Church 40
Book Reviews 42
In Memoriam 43

Vol. XXV, No. 1, May 1964

Editorial: Welcome to H. H. The Patriarch of Antioch 1
The Second Session of the Second Vatican Council
Fr. Dr. C. T. Eapen 7
An Eastern Orthodox view of the Vatican Council
Fr. Paul Varghese 9
The Faith and order Conference at Montreal
Rev. Prof. E. R. Hardy 17
The Meeting of the Pope and the Ecumenical Patriarch 19
Here and There in Christendom 25
News and Notes of the Malankara Church 27
Book Reviews 29
In Memoriam 29

Vol. XXV, No. 2, October 1964

Editorial: Nehru: The passing of a Great World Citizen 1
The Catholicate of the East
Fr. Dr. C. T. Eapen 5
The Vatican Council
Fr. Bede Griffichs O.S.B. 9
Christianity in India 12
Unity the Great Need of the Hour
H. H. Moran Mar Ignatius Yacob III 18
On the Path of the Ecumenical Movement 21
Here and There in Christendom 23
News and Notes of the Malankara Church 27
Book Reviews 28

Vol. XXVI, No. 1, June 1965

Editorial : The International Eucharistic Congress at Bombay 1
The 38th International Eucharistic Congress
Fr. Dr. C. T. Eapen 7
H. H. Pope Paul VI – A Brief Sketch 14
Inauguration Address
H. E. Cardinal Agagianin 15
Christian Contribution to India
Dr. Zakir Hussain 16
H. H. The Pope’s Reply to the welcome 19
The Papal Utterances 20
The Press Comments on the Pope’s Visit 23
On the Path of the Ecumenical Movement 24
Here and There in Christendom 25
News and Notes of the Malankara Church 27
Book Reviews 28
In Memoriam 29

Vol. XXVII, No. 1, 2, June 1966

A Prayer of the Second Vatican Council
Editorial : The Second Vatican Council 1
Inauguration Address
H. H. Pope Paul VI 9
Tribute to H. H. The Pope
Rt. Rev. Moorman 19
A Brief Tribute to Cardinal Bea
Dr. D. Horton 21
Impressions of the observers at the Vatican Council
The Vatican Council
Dr. John Lawrence 25
Unity and Mission at the Second Vatican Council
Dr. Lukas Vischer 27
The Second Vatican Council
Prof. Reid 29
The Roman Catholic Church on the Move
Rev. Basil Holt 34
The Great Ecumenical Encounter
Rev. Patrick Rodger 35
Impressions of Vatican II
President S. L. Anderson 37
The Renewal of the Roman Church
Dr. Werner Kuppers 39
An Estimate of the Vatican Council
Dr. Barnett Blakemore 41
A Call to Remove The Walls
Dr. Douglas V. Steere 42
Reflections on the Vatican Council
Dr. Moorman, Bishop of Ripon 44
A Call to Unity
Canon John Findlow 45
On the Path of the Ecumenical Movement 45
Here and There in Christendom 47
Book Reviews 48

Vol. I No. 1, January 1979

A Word From The Chief Editor 1
Late Rev. Dr. C. T. Eapen – Dn. Jacob Kurien 2
The Vienna Consultations – Revd. Dr. V. C. Samuel 5
Ecumenical Priorities: An Oriental
Orthodox Looks At The Ecumenical
Movement Today – Metropolitan Paulos Gregorios 12
Metropolitan Nikodim and Pope John Paul I 17
News and Views 19
Book Reviews
Rev. Dr. V. C. Samuel
The Juridical Status of the
Catholicos of Malabar 26
Rev. Dr. K. M. George
The Council of Chalcedon
Re-Examined 29

Vol. I No. 2, April 1979

Editorial: MIT Conference on Faith Science & Faith 1
Pope John Paul II and the Conference of
Latin American Bishops
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 3
What is the Future of Man?
– Very Revd. K. G. George Ramban 5
Science, Faith and our Future
– Metropolitan Dr. Paul Gregorios 11
Our Theological Task In India:
An Indian Orthodox Reflection
– Dn. Jacob Kurien 21
A Panchsheel for Religions
– Dr. Paulos Gregorios 30
News Reports 34
Book Review 37

Vol. 1, No. 3, July 1979

Editorial: The WCC – Target of Concerted Attack from the Right 1
Dialogue with World Religions –
Basic Approaches and practical experiences
– Paul Gregorios 3
Orthodox Theology and Pagan culture
A Tribute to St. Basil 15
Are God and Man one or two?
– Paul Gregorios 17
Science, Development and Power Confrontation 27
News and Views 30

Vol. I No. 4 October 1979

Editorial: Welcome, 1980, with Fear and Hope! 3
Christmas Message 1979
– Dr. Philip A. Potter 5
“Thy Kingdom Come!”
As an Orthodox Sees It
– Metropolitan Geevarghese Mar Osthathios 7
Scripture and Tradition
– Rev. Fr. T. J. Joshua 11
Authority in the Church
– Paul Gregorios 16
Confession and Eucharistic Renewal
– Rev. Prof. John Meyendorff 26
Shadows over the Relations of
Rome and Orthodoxy?
– Olivier Clement 29
News and Views 31
Book Review 36

Vol. 2, No. 1, January 1980

Editorial 3
The Monastery of St. Macarius
In the Egyptian Desert 7
The Element of Modernity in
Modern Philosophy
– Dr. Paulos Gregorios 14
Dialogue Between Oriental Orthodox
And Byzantine Orthodox
– Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Myra 23
Love as the Good 28
The Mixed Catholic – Orthodox Commission
For Theological Dialogue
– L’osservatore Romano 31

Joint Declaration of Pope John Paul II
And Patriarch Dimitrios I 34
News and Views 36

Vol. 2, No. 2, April 1980

Editorial: Thy Kingdom Come 5
German Bishops Publish Declaration
Regarding Proffessor Hans Kueng –
Read in all the Churches in Germany
– Courtesy L’osservatore Romano 9
This Kueng Affair
– P. G. 18
The Presence of the Theotokos in the
Economy of Salvation-An Orthodox Approach
– Rev. Dr. K. M. George 23
The Ten Propositions of Hans Kueng
– (Translated from Le Monde 10-1-1980) 29
Liebfrauenberg: Practising, Preaching
Ecumenical Fellowship
– John Bluck 31
Liturgy and Proclamation 34
News and Views 41
Book Review 45

Vol. 2, No. 3, July 1980

Editorial: Back to Square One 2. The Ecumenical Prospect –
A New Orientation 3
The Gospel of the Kingdom and the
Crucified and Risen Christ
– Metropolitan Geevarghese Mar Osthathios 5
Lutheran – Orthodox Conversations:
Fourth Session 19
The Christological Basis of some
Syrian Orthodox Traditions
– Rev. Dr. V. C. Samuel 22
Thy Kingdom Come – A Rejoinder
– Metropolitan Paulos Mar Gregorios 26
Melbourne Conference on
World Mission and Evangelism
– Prof. K. M. Tharakan 31
News and Views 36

Vol. 2, No. 4, October 1980

Editorial: Interpreting the One and the Many 3
Issues in Hermeneutical Discussion In the West
– Paulos Gregorios 5
Some Reflections on an Indian – Christian
Theological Hermeneutic
– Dr. C. Duraisingh, Bangalore 16
‘Hermeneutics in the Indian Context’
– Dr. V. C. Samuel 29
A Joyful Experience at Valamo
– Deacon Mathew Vaidyan 39
News and Views 45

Vol. 3, No. 1, January 1981

1. Editorial: India in the New Year 3
2. Ecumenical Development Thought Today
Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 9
3. An Orthodox approach to Hermeneutics
Fr. Dr. K. M. George 15
4. Looking ahead to 1983 “Jesus Christ, The life of the World” 25
5. Collaboration between RCC and WCC Some Random Comments
Paulos Mar Gregorios 28
6. Soviet and US Church leaders meet on Disarmament 31
7. CCA General Secretary visits China 33
8. UK Churches Urged to Join Disarmament Campaign 37
9. Book Review – Science for Sane Societies
Dn. Mathew Vaidyan 39
10. Views and Notes 43

Vol. 3, No. 2, April, 1981

1. Editorial: Violence has roots 3
2. The Great Symbol (A Biblical Meditation) 5
3. Christian Worship: Principles and present Concerns
Fr. Dr. K. M. George 7
4. An Idealist’s view of Theology
Fr. Jacob Kurian 12
5. Towards a Christian Theology from the Indian Matrix
Rev. Dn. Mathew Vaidyan 21
6. News and Views 33

Vol. 3, No. 3, July – Sept. 1981

1. Editorial: Justice, Participation and the Gospel 3
2. The Council of Constantinople and
The Nicene Creed
– Paulos Mar Gregorios 7
3. The Sin of Being Rich in a Poor World
– Geevarghese Mar Osthathios 14
4. Spiritual Foundations of the Search
For a Just Society – A Christian Perspective
– Rev. Dr. K. M. George 18
5. Orthodox Monasteries in Russia 28
6. News and Views 30

Vol. 3 No. 4, Oct. – Dec. 1979

1. Editorial: Peace on Earth 3
2. The Nicene Creed, Its Authorship and
The Faith it Conserves
– Rev. Dr. V. C. Samuel 5
3. The Intellectual Atmosphere of
Alexandria in Origen’s Time
– Fr. Jacob Kurian 11
4. Apostolicity and Apostolic Succession
– Fr. Mathew Vaidyan 23
5. Book Review – ‘Social God’ 29
6. News and Views 31
(1) 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s Birth in 1983
(2) Dialogue with Orthodox Churches
(3) Ethiopian Patriarch Visits Bishop Lohse
(4) Martin Niemoller to celebrate 90th Birthday.

Vol. 4 No. 1, January – March 1982

1. Editorial: 1. Christ is Risen 2. On the Road to Vancouver 3
2. Jesus Christ,The Life of the World 6
3. The Spirituality of Monetarism
Peter Selby 21
4. An Open Letter to The Syrian Patriarch 26
5. Indian Visit of Syrian Patriarch 28
6. Press Release by the Holy Episcopal Synod 31
7. News & Notes 33
1. The Church in Egypt
2. What is happening in Ethiopia
3.Canterbury suggests Church Peace Summit
4. Deep in a Process Bog

Vol. 4 No. 2, June 1982

1. Editorial: The Culture of Death
2. In him was life
– Paulos Mar Gregorios 5
3. Jesus Christ and the Church
Vicarious Death and Victorious life of the world
– Geevarghese Mar Osthathios 14
4. A Hindu – Christian Dialogue on
Religious Resources for a just Society 17
5. Book Review 34
6. News & Views 37
(1) Religious Persecution in Albania?
(2) Pope’s Visit to Britain
(3) Shashtipoorthi Celebrations of Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

Vol. 4, No. 3, July – September 1982

1. Editorial: The Catholicate in India 1
2. The Roman Catholic Church and the Identity
of the World Council of Churches
Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios Metropolitan 5
3. The Catholicate of the East
Dr. Paul Gregorios 7
4. Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches –
A Movement towards Church Unity
Fr. Dr. V. C. Samuel 11
5. The West and the East Meet –
Non-Official Consultations between Oriental Orthodox
Churches and the Roman Catholic Church
Fr. Dr. K. M. George 20
6. Oriental Orthodox Churches:- 27
1. The Coptic Church 29
2. The Syrian Orthodox Church 30
3. The Armenian Apostolic Church 31
4. The Orthodox Church of India 32
5. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church 33
7. The Eastern Orthodox Churches:-
1. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople 35
2. The Russian Orthodox Church 37
3. The Romanian Orthodox Church 39
4. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church 40
5. The Georgian Orthodox Church 42
6. The Orthodox Church of Finland 44
8. News and Notes 45

Vol. 4, No. 4, December 1982

1. Editorial: Sapthati 3
2. Religious Toleration has Enriched the Heritage of India – Rashtrapathi Gyani Zail Singh 5
3. The Catholicate is so Precious to us…
– His Holiness Baselius Marthoma Mathews I 7
4. The Apostolic Churches of India and Georgia are
The Oldest among the Churches of the East
– His Holiness Ilia II 10
5. St. Thomas belongs to the Whole of India
– Dr. P. C. Alexander 12
6. Unity among Churches is Imperative
– Most Rev. Alexander Mar Thoma Metropolitan 14
7. The Church should be National
– Bishop Paulos Mar Paulos 17
8. The Members of the Orthodox Church can Proudly
Claim that they are the followers of St. Thomas
– Mr. K. Karunakaran 19
9. Significant Contribution to the Ecumenical movement
– Mr. Ninan Koshy 20
10. Contributions to the Spiritual and Temporal
Developments of the Country
– Mr. K. M. Mani 21
11. Beginning of a Unity in Spirit
– Mr. R. Venkataraman 22
12. Messages 24

Vol. 5, No. 1, March 1983

1. Editorial: Will Vancouver be a Turning Point? 1
2. Can We Talk Freely
– Metropolitan Paulos Gregorios 2
3. Jesus Christ – The Life of the World
Sub-Themes 12
4. Life Images 14
5. Prayers for Quiet Meditation 29
6. WCC Fifth Assembly Concludes
– Dr. Paul Gregorios 30
7. The Meaning of life
An Eastern Orthodox Christian Perspective 37
8. Isavasyamidam Sarvam
– Shrivatsa Goswami 45
9. News and Notes 52

Vol. 5, No. 2, June 1983

1. Editorial: A Question of Identity
2. Towards the Rediscovery of Communion 4
3. Manifesting the Trinitarian Unity 7
4. God – To what, if anything, does the word refer?
– Metropolitan Paulos Gregorios 9
5. Luther, Seen by an Orthodox
– Prof. John Karmiris 20
6. Life and Peace – Christian World Conference
– Metropolitan Paulos Gregorios 22
7. The Sacramental Mysteries of the Church
– Fr. Mathew Vaidyan 26
8. Hong Kong – the 1997 Limit
– Peter K. H. Lee 33
9. ‘We’ and ‘They’ in Ecumenical Communication
– T. K. Thomas 35
10. News and Notes 36

Vol. 5, No. 3, September, 1983

1. Editorial: Communal Violence in Kerala
Paulos Mar Gregorios 1
2. In the Wake of Vancouver
Dr. Paul Gregorios 4
3. The roots of Communal Conflict in India
towards a New Integral vision
Dr. Paulos Gregorios 8
4. Martin Luther, the Reformer
Dr. B. H. Jackayya 16
5. Martin Luther and the Theologia Germanica
Fr. Dr. K. M. George 19
6. News and Notes 25

Vol. 5, No. 4, December 1983

1. Editorial: Building the Nation: A Religious Goal
2. So what is new in the year?
Dr. Paul Gregorios 3
3. Kenosis and Exaltation
Metropolitan Geevarghese Mar Osthathios 5
4. Divine Economy and Human Ecology
Fr. Dr. K. M. George 12
5. Our Church in History
Fr. Dr. V. C. Samuel 18
Very Rev. Remban Philipose Thomas 29
7. News and Notes 37

Vol. 6, No. 1, December 1984

1. Editorial: A Bird’s Eye View and Beyond
2. Vattasseril Mar Dionysius stood for the freedom of the Church
– H. H. Baselius Mar Thoma Mathews I 1
3. From ashes unto glory
– H. E. Dr. M. Hidayatulla 4
4. Mar Dionysius played a creative role in shaping
the history of the Orthodox Church
– Thomas Mar Athanasios Suffragan Metropolitan 6
5. Mar Geevarghese Dionysius, a great Soul
– Mr. K. M. Mathew, Malayala Manorama 8
6. Heroic Virtues and Vattasseril Thirumeni
– Mr. C. K. Kochukoshy, I.A.S. 10
7. The Ministry of the Church – Two ways of understanding it
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 15
8. News and Notes 22

Vol. 6, No. 2, June 1984

1. Editorial: 1. India’s Unity 2. The Pope’s visit to the
Ecumenical Centre
2. Hind and Hellas – A story of some ancient encounters and a
question about tomorrow
Paul Gregorios 1
3. Muslim – Christian Dialogue in 1984: An Overview
Stuart E. Brown 14
4. Martin Niemoeller – A Voice for reconciliation 17
5. 1984 WCC Pentecost Message 18
6. News and Notes 20

Vol. 6, No. 3, 4, December 1984

1. Editorial: Unhappy Christmas
2. Christ is Risen – So What?
Paulos Mar Gregorios 1
3. Being, Function and Sacramental Presence
Fr. Dr. K. M. George 9
4. Apostolic Succession
Fr. Dr. M. A. Mathai 12
5. A Note on Culture in relation to Incarnation 17
6. An imaginary lecture on the varieties of Indian Theology 20
7. News and Notes 26

Vol. 7, No. 1, March 1985

1. Editorial: Liberation Theology and the Vatican Instruction 1
2. Minutes of the Holy Episcopal Synod on the
Ecumenical Study Document 4
3. Stop Darkness at Noon – Save Life
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 8
4. Communique of the International Round Table Conference 16
5. Letter to Mr. Rajiv Gandhi 23
6. Statement on Nuclear Winter 24
7. News and Notes 29

Vol. 7, No. 2, 3, September 1985

1. Editorial: 1. The Need for a National Effort 2. The World Council of Churches. 1
2. In Memoriam 4
3. Integral Community Yoga
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios Metropolitan 5
4. Pursuit of Truth Anticipating the Future 18
5. News and Notes 35

Vol. 7, No. 4, December 1985

1. Editorial:
1. South Africa – Are We at a Turning Point? 1
2. The Pope’s Visit to India 3
2. An Extraordinary Synod
Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 5
3. ‘Ecumenicity’ of a Synod and the acceptance
of the Ecumenical Synods
Dn. Dr. B. Varghese 11
4. Inter-Orthodox Symposium on Baptism,
Eucharist and Ministry – Report 20
5. Prayer with the harp of the Spirit – Book Review
Bishop Geevarghese Mar Osthathios 27
6. News and Notes 35

Vol. 8, No. 1, March 1986

1. Editorial: The Jarring Note 1
2. Address of H.H. Baselius Marthoma Mathews I 5
3. Address of H.H. Pope John Paul II 8
4. Address of welcome to H.G. Dr. Robert Runcie 10
5. Address of welcome to Dr. Emilio Castro 12
6. A Reformation in the Malankara Orthodox Church
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 13
7. Meeting of a delegation of R.C. Bishops with H.H.
The Catholicos of the East – A brief Report 34
8. News and Notes 41

Vol. 8, No. 2, June 1986

1. Editorial: The Vatican Responds 1
2. The Reality, Progress and Problems of Christian Unity
– Pope John Paul II 3
3. A letter from Cardinal Willebrands 16
4. Statement on the Early History of the Church in
India and Papal Authority 20
5. Growing in Christ (Divyabodhanam) 26
6. News and Notes 28

Vol. 8, No. 3, September 1986

1. Editorial: 1. Prospects for Peace 2. The Fundamentalist Virus 1
2. Overcoming the enlightenment
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 4
3. Theological Education in the Patristic
Era and its Lesson for today
– Very Rev. John Meyendorff 17
4. News and Views 33

Vol. 8, No. 4, December 1986

1. Editorial: A Call for Vigilance and Hope 1
2. Tribute to Nikos Nissiotis
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 5
3. The Orthodox Churches in the World
Council of Churches
– Todor Sabev 8
4. Syrian and Anglican Christians in India
– Alan & Clare Amos 14
5. Inter religious Relationship in the Secular State
– S. J. Samartha 20
6. News and Notes 32

Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1987

1. Editorial: The Statue and Its Shadow i
2. Ecclesiastical Authority Options and
Patterns in the Indian Orthodox Church
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 1
3. Scientific Positivism, the New Dualism, and
the Perennial Wisdom
– Dr. Willis W. Harman 9
4. An Appeal to all people – A Document 26
5. News and Notes 31

Vol. 9, No. 2, June 1987

1. Editorial: Is Church Unity in Sight
2. The Dialectic of the Cross: The way forward in
Three Directions for the Ecumenical Movement
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 1
3. A Hindu model for Inter religious Dialogue
– Anantanand Rambachan 15
4. Towards a Eucharistic Ecology: Insights from
Eastern Orthodoxy
– Fr. K. M. George 24
5. ‘Reflections on the Russian Orthodox Church’
– Jim Forest 36
6. Orthodox Church of India
– A Book Review 40
7. News & Notes 42

Vol. 9, No. 3, 4, September-December 1987

1. Editorial: Musings on the Nature of Reality
PG 1
2. Resource Sharing System
– Metropolitan Geevarghese Mar Orthathios 5
3. Religious Identity in a Multi Faith Society
– J. S. Samaratha 11
4. Restructuring and Openess in the USSR
Significance for all Humanity
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 28
5. Monasticism as a way to spiritual freedom
– Fr. Nicandros 34
6. Jesus’ Final Exam
– Thomas G. Long 39
7. News & Notes 46

Vol. 10, No. 1, March 1988

1. Editorial: Integrity of Creation and the Church’s Task
2. The Eucharist as a Missionary Event in a Suffering World
– Fr. Emmanuel Klapsis 6
3. Who do you Say That I am? Element for an
Ecumenical Christology Today
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 14
4. News and Views 24

Vol. 10, No. 2 & 3, June – September 1988

1. The Veil Matter and the Hiding Rock:
Some aspects of the problem of theology in Gregory
of Nazianzus
– Kondothra Mathew George 1
Orthodox Perspective on Creation:
A report on Inter-orthodox consultation held in
Sofia, Bulgaria 20
News and Views 38

Vol. 10, No. 4, December 1986

1. Editorial: 1. Rising Problems 2. God, World, Humanity 1
2. Indian Identity – Its Nature and Density
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 3
3. Philosophy, God and Science
– W. Crawford Knox 8
4. “Your will be done: Orthodoxy in Mission”
Consultation of Eastern Orthodox and
Oriental Orthodox Churches – Final Report 20

Vol. 11, No. 1-2, March – June 1989

1. Editorial: 1. A Historic Agreement 2. Culture
3. On Capitalism and Socialism 1
2. A Historic Agreement 7
3. Modern Science and Modern Culture – The Unhappy Twins
– Paul Gregorios 18
4. Not Gospel and Culture
– Paul Gregorios 24
5. Wisdom in the Land of Nod
– N. Vivian Pope 27
6. Wholeness – How to handle it or fit into it
– Paul Gregorios 31
7. The Commentary tradition in Classical Judaism
– P.G. 37
8. News and Views 42

Vol. 11, No. 3-4, July – October 1989

Editorial: The Future of Socialism 1
The Patriarchate in the Christian Churh, History of
Its Early Development
– Paulos Mar Gregorios 5
Mixed Marriages
– Fr. Dr. Jacob Kurian 14
Towards Global Peace with Justice for All
– Asian Pacific Perspectives
– Rev. Dr. Christie Rosa, Sri Lanka 22
Statement: Third Asian Christian Peace Conference
Delhi Orthodox Centre, New Delhi, October 2-6, 1989
– Rev. Dr. Christie Rosa, Sri Lanka 27
Changing Contours of Socialism
– Paul Gregorios 34
News and Notes 55

Vol. 12, No. 1-2, March – June 1990

Pentecost: A Message from the Presidents of the world
Council of Churches 1
Christ’s Ministry to the world
– Paulos Mar Gregorios 3
New Thinking and New Ethos
– Metropolitan Filaret 16
The Triune God of Christian Orthodoxy
– Revd. Dr. V. C. Samuel 24
Nation as Monastery, Need for a New Political Askesis
– Revd. K. M. George 32
Recommendations: First National Orthodox Christian
Women’s Meeting, Mar Gregorios Orthodox Student
Centre, Trivandrum, February 7-10, 1990 46
Towards a Vital and Coherent Theology
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 48
News and Views 66

Vol. 12, No. 3, September 1990

Will Socialism Survive?
Reflections on the future of world Socialist Political Economics
– Paul Gregorios 1
Church and Society in the Context of Pertiroika
– Archbishop Kirill of Smolensk 13
St. James’ Liturgy: A Brief History of the Text
– Rev. Dr. Baby Varghese 33
News and Notes 42
Book Review 52

Vol. 12, No. 4, December 1990

Anathemas and Conciliar Decisions
– Paulos Mar Gregorios 1
Communique: Joint Commission of the Theological
Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the
Oriental Orthodox Churches
Anba Bishoy Monastry, Egypt, 20-24, June 1989 8
Agreed Statement: Joint Commission, Geneva.
September 23-28, 1990 14
Freedom of Conscince and Religion:
The Law voted and approved by the
Supreme Soviet of the USSR 21
A Patriarchal Visit
– Tracy Early 35
News and Notes 44

Vol. 13, No. 1 & 2, March – June 1991

Women in the Church in India
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 1
Comment on the report published by the
joint-commission of the theological dialogue between
the Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches,
Orthodox Centre of Ecumenical Patriarchate,
Geneva, September 23-28, 1990
– Rachad M. Shoucri, Ph.D. 6
Communion in the Mysteries
– Revd. Dr. B. Varghese 14
News and Views 22

Vol. 13 No. 3, September 1991

Editorial: 1. The Emerging New World Order 2. And Whither India. 3. Churches in the Former Soviet Union Face a
Bewildering Situation 3
Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation the Conciliar Approach
Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 10
Gosepl, Culture and Theological Education
Fr. K. M. George 24
An Orthodox Perspective of Inter-Religious Dialogue
Metropolitan George Khodr 33
Eucharistic Hospitality
Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 38
Romanian Orthodox Church Recovers its Identity
Janice Broun 40
News & Views 44

Vol. 13, No. 4, December 1991

Human Rights A Perspective from Outside Western Civilisation
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 1
The Spirit of Orthodoxy
– Nicolas Berdyaev 12
Joint International Commission for Dialogue
Between the Coptic Orthodox Church
and the Catholic Church 23
The Joint International Commission between
The Roman Catholic and the Malankara
Orthodox Syrian Church 25
News and Views 35

Vol. 14, No. 1 & 2, March – June 1992

Be strong in the Lord – Message of the Primates
of the most Holy Orthodox Churches. 3
Is the Creation Sacred?
– Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 8
Preparing for Rio IRFWP Declaration on the
Environment and Development 16
The Orthodox Churches and the World Council of Churches 20
Orthodox – Catholic Relations: Challenges and Hopes
– Rembert G Weakland, Archbishop of Milwaukee 26
Communique from the Roman Catholic – Orthodox
meeting at Geneva, 2-3, March 1992 34
News and Views 36

Vol. 14, No. 3 & 4, July, December 1992

The Coming Great Civilisation shift on preparing to lay
foundations for a new Civilisation
Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 3
Culture and Religion or Culture and Faith
which for the Inner-Chruch Dialogue and the
Dialogue with Religions and ideologies?
Hans Ucko 14
The Church as Communion: An Orthodox response
Professor Oliver Clement 22
Uniatism an an Ecclesiological Issue: Local and Universal
Fr. Dr. K. M. George 25
News & Views 33

Vol. 15, No. 1 & 2, January, June, 1993

May The Light Dawn
Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 3
Gospel and Culture
Fr. Dr. K.M. George 8
The Discussion on Ministry in the
Commission on Faith and Order
Silke-Petra Bergjan 15
An Orthodox Perspective
Ion Bria 23
Why Do Muslims Feel Insecure? 31
News and Views 34

Vol. 15, No. 3 & 4, Sept. 1993 – Jan. 1994

Editorial 1
World Congress of Spiritual Concord – Rishikesh
appeal to all Nations and peoples of the World 3
Rishikesh Congress – Report to Patrons 10
What is Meditation? 12
How do we get from here to there? or
How is tomorrow’s world to be shaped?
– Paulos Mar Gregorios 15
Joint Commission of the Theological Dialogue
between the Orthodox Church and the Oriental
Orthodox Churches 29
A Quest for wisdom
– Hans Ucko 38

Vol. 16, No. 1-2, January- June 1994

Editorial: The World Drags Its Feet 1
Inter-Religious Worship and prayer
Hans Ucko 4
Consciousness and Values
Dr. John R. A. Mayer 10
Vortex and Context: Global Culture and Theological Education
Fr. Dr. K. M. George 18
The Orthodox Churches and WCC
Dr. Paulos Gregorios 25
Dialogue between the Catholic Church
and the Autonomous Syrian Church (Jacobite)
of India of Inter-Church Marriages 29

Vol. 17, Nos. 1-3, Jan. – Sept. 1996

Editorial: 1. We are most embarrassed! 2. What is Wrong with
Our Culture 3. What ever happend to the WCC?
PG 1
Religion is the Matrix of Culture
Reflections on the Inculturation of Christianity
Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 5
Gospel and Cultures
Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Clapsis 15
Cross-Cultural Interpretation:
Some Models from the Early Church
Fr. Dr. K. M. George 32
The Ethics of the Global Market Some Basic Issues
Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios 46
East Syrian Liturgy as an expression of Christology
Fr. Dr. B. Varghese 51
News & Views 65