Gregory of India (1922 – 96)

“Gregorios, the Gifted”


The many facets of the life and work of Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios point to the versatility of his interests and range of his contribution.

First metropolitan of Delhi Diocese; Principal of the Orthodox Theological Seminary at Kottayam; Founder of the Delhi Orthodox Centre.

Articulator of the Orthodox faith across the world; Biblical scholar and teacher; Exponent of sacred traditions; Promoter of unity among Orthodox Churches; Ecumenical leader devoted to interfaith dialogue and cooperation; President of the World Council of Churches.

Scholar, philosopher, author, educationist, editor, linguist, public speaker, socio-political thinker, lover of children and nature, advocate of women’s equality, environmental integrity and holistic health.

Crusader against exploitation, discrimination, neo-colonialism and religious-cultural arrogance; activist for disarmament, justice and peace.

Life-long seeker after the light of knowledge, truth, and the transcendent source of our being.

God is good. He alone is truly and fully good. He is good without mixture of evil; in Him all evils disappears. From Him comes all good. All that is good not only comes from Him, but is also His presence. Where the good is, there God is present.

-Paulos Mar Gregorios

Experience shows that the deeper we go into our respective religions, the more clearly we find that basic love of God and love for all humanity which should unite us all. The more rooted one is in one’s own tradition the freer and more secure one becomes in facing our fellow human beings and finding our unity in God and in our shared aspirations.

-Paulos Mar Gregorios

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