Category Archives: Christology


Christology (Articles) / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

Christology (Articles) / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios


A Treatise of Dionysius Bar Salibhi on Differences with Chalcedonians / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios.

A Treatise of Dionysius Bar Salibhi on Differences with Chalcedonians / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios. 


Who Do You Say That I Am? Elements For An Ecumenical Christology For Today / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

Who Do You Say That I Am? Elements For An Ecumenical Christology For Today / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios


Nature / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

Nature / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios Your ads will be inserted here by Google Adsense.Please go to the plugin admin page to set up your ad code.


The Christ is Risen – So What / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

The Christ is Risen – So What / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios HTML File Your ads will be inserted here by Google Adsense.Please go to the plugin admin page to…


The Nature of Christology / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

The Nature of Christology / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios HTML File Your ads will be inserted here by Google Adsense.Please go to the plugin admin page to set up your…


Nature, Humanity and God – Three Realities or One? / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

Nature, Humanity and God – Three Realities or One? / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios Your ads will be inserted here by Google Adsense.Please go to the plugin admin page to…


Cosmic Christ and Cosmic Salvation / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

Cosmic Christ and Cosmic Salvation / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios HTML File Your ads will be inserted here by Google Adsense.Please go to the plugin admin page to set up…


The Finality of Jesus Christ in the age of universal history / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

The Finality of Jesus Christ in the age of universal history / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios HTML File Your ads will be inserted here by Google Adsense.Please go to the…


Who do you say that I am? Elements for an Ecumenical Christology Today / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

Who do you say that I am? Elements for an Ecumenical Christology Today / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios Your ads will be inserted here by Google Adsense.Please go to the…

st basil the great

The Christological Consensus Reached in Vienna / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

The Christological Consensus Reached in Vienna / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios HTML File Your ads will be inserted here by Google Adsense.Please go to the plugin admin page to set…


The Christology of the Non Chalcedon Churches / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

The Christology of the Non Chalcedon Churches / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios Your ads will be inserted here by Google Adsense.Please go to the plugin admin page to set up…


The Christology of the Eastern Fathers / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

The Christology of the Eastern Fathers / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios Your ads will be inserted here by Google Adsense.Please go to the plugin admin page to set up your…


The Relevance of Christology Today / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

The Relevance of Christology Today / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios HTML File Your ads will be inserted here by Google Adsense.Please go to the plugin admin page to set up…


The Christology of Philexinos of Maboog / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios

The Christology of Philexinos of Maboog / Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios HTML File Your ads will be inserted here by Google Adsense.Please go to the plugin admin page to set…