Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios: A Tribute

Fr. T. A. Mathias S. J.

Rarely is one given the privilege of meeting a man with such great and varied intellectual abilities as Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios.

From 1966 when I met him at the first Ecumenical conference of Christian Colleges in India, through numerous national and international conferences and meetings, I have admired Dr. Gregorios, extraordinary scholarship in a variety of different fields, his facility in speaking and writing and the strength of his convictions. Together with these abilities Dr. Gregorios displayed total commitment to his faith, an intense sense of social justice and an ability to interact on a footing of equality with people of different persuasions.

During the 13 years that I was connected with AIACHE (All India Association for Christian Higher Education) and in the last 18 years since I left the organization, Dr. Gregorios was a staunch friend of the Association he helped to found in 1966. He could be relied on to give his advice and to participate in meetings of various kinds where he always made a notable contribution. AIACHE will badly miss his genial presence and the intellectual and spiritual stimulus he always provided.

For the Christian community of India and in particular for the Orthodox Church of which he was an eminent Bishop, Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios passing away will leave an unfillable void. May God reward one who served him so faithfully throughout his life.

(Courtsey: AIACHE News Letter, Vol. XXXI, No. 1, February 1997)

Fr. T. A. Mathias s.j. Professor, Xavier Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur.